Sunday, October 30, 2011

Not a Sport?

This little clip made me smile yesterday. This is for all those who wonder why I work so hard at my agility.... it's because Spike and I both LOVE it. And, it is a sport, requiring hard work, determination, persistence.  :)  Even Murphy is getting in on the action; she trained for nearly 2 hours yesterday between an obedience class and agility class and loved it all!

Anyway, for your viewing pleasure...


Wyatt said...

That was great. Love to see some of the other breeds out there..cuz we all know that the Border Collies are good!

Wyatt and Stanzie

How Sam Sees It said...

Looking good!


ForPetsSake said...

Wow - a whole new respect! That was pretty intense!!! And it looked like fun, too :)

Ruger & Annie said...

Wow!!! Amazing is all I can say.
And yep - that sure looks like sport to me. The humans have to be super fit & super fast too!!! LOL

Annie & Ruger

PeeeSsss - Thanks for droppin' by at Ruger's blog. :)

Sophie said...

That was incredibly intense. We want to do agility, too!

Pamela said...

This was amazing! What a great video. I'm off to tweet it to my friends.

And it's great that you have such a great time with agility yourself.

Hope to see your videos someday.

Achieve1dream said...

Great video!! If I ever move away from this crappy dog hating city I'm so going somewhere they have agility classes. :D