Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas comes early....

Earlier in the week, I took my students to the Festival of Trees. This is an annual fundraiser for the MS society.  After looking at a few of these sites, I couldn't help but get in the Christmas mood!

The quality of these pics aren't the best. Sorry! I took them on my iPhone, and had to jostle through crowds, give the phone a second to focus and it didn't always work out. Ah well...

One of my favourite wreaths.

The Dr. Suess inspired tree!

Gingerbread house, a-la- Smurfs!

It was fun and I had such a good time looking at the 80 trees, the wreaths and gingerbread creations. I am definitely starting to feel the Christmas mood!! 

So, that HAD to carry over to last night, hehe! It was our First Annual?!? Steak Night to raise funds for New Hope Dog Rescue. I had to go, of course, as I have Miss Maggie and her surgeries/diagnostics have just past the $3000.00 mark.  So, I spent a few days, created some PowerPoint presentations to demonstrate the needs (they will be up here soon!) and I went, with no intention to buy anything. I just planned to eat my steak, play my PowerPoints and come home.

But, then I spotted this and my eyes lit up. It's a basket donated by the Meadow Lake Humane Society. I found it touching that another rescue donated to us, to help out! And, we often take puppies from them (especially mangy little pups that need extra TLC), so I guess that's why.  So, I bid. Then, I walked away and didn't think much about it- I ALWAYS get outbid on stuff.

It got a little jostled in the car on the way home, but it gives an idea at least.  

Look at all that Happy Puppy Making Goodness! 

Yes, I won the silent auction and brought home Christmas in a giant pail, for the dogs.  There's the food like treats. There's even a box for the ratties to enjoy, hehe!  I don't give rawhides to my dogs as they don't sit well with them, but I have the two chewing fiends lodging here who will LOVE them! 

The toys!  There is basically two of everything- two squeaky toys, two tuggers, two sets of balls (Yeah for Sophie!), two ducks.... I've put most of it away but the dog bed. Spike spent his night, curled up on the new doggy bed, now living at the foot of my bed.   All in all, I am pleased!

Yes, it was a bit of a big donation to get that bucket, but for Maggie, it's worth it! :)  Our steak night brought in over $5000.00 and that just warms my heart.  Hug your pups today and think a good thought for those in rescue. We are grateful for all your kindly thoughts and donations. :)

Oh, and if you can spare a kindly thought for Maggie, she's back at the vet having her second sugery today. If all goes well, Miss Maggie will be declared Cancer Free by the end of today!! 


Pamela said...

Sounds like a nice start to the season--especially getting the goodies to share with the pups after making your contribution to the cause.

Hope Maggie's surgery goes well.

Dexter said...

I hope that vet person was sufficiently recovered from the big feast to focus on Miss Maggie. Good luck, my friend.


rottrover said...

SCORE!! What a fun night!! Enjoy!!

-Bart and Ruby

georgia little pea said...

Christmas already???!!! where did the year go?

if i were to have a tree [which in grinch-like fashion, i haven't for years], it's have to be the Suess inspired one. Dr Suess ahhhh... :) xxxxxox

hugs to all and especially Maggie, on this thanksgiving weekend x

Jean said...

There is something magical about creative Christmas trees that are fun and colourful rather than 'perfect' Martha Stewart types. I could certainly go for the Dr. Seuss one, if I were to have a tree.
I hope Maggie's surgery went well - sending healing thoughts her way.

PS My verification word is "tronta" - I think that's somewhere in Ontario, eh? :)

Kari in Alaska said...

ooo what a way to start the season

Stop on by for a visit

Achieve1dream said...

That's awesome. What a great gift bucket. I'm glad the fundraiser went so awesome!! $5000 is fantastic. :D I hope Maggie's surgery went well.