I have missed blogging. I have no excuses about why I haven't blogged, but I can tell you this; I miss it.
So, here goes... an attempt to revive this old blog and get back to it!
I just spent 7 days on a little vacation to Alberta, without the dogs. It was great; I spent time with my parents then I went to Brooks, to visit an old friend, Al. We haven't seen each other in about 4 years and it was so good to see her, to get caught up on life and to learn a few new things along the way. Seriously, Al is a pretty wise gal; I doubt she is even 30 yet, but she is darn smart and taught me a few lessons about budgeting and meal planning. I will share those another day, but for today I just want to share some photos of the trip. Oh, and you can meet Al yourself by heading over to her blog....
Al's PolkaDots and Paisley.
In the morning before I left, we drove out to Dinosaur Provincial Park to hike in the badlands. I haven't hiked in a long, long time and for me, this was a pretty serious adventure. It showed I am out of shape but it was pretty amazing and I loved it!
First of all, I had a nearly 5 hour drive, but some of the scenery was absolutely spectacular and I couldn't help but photograph it.
Somewhere, in the middle of nowhere, Alberta.
Pretty canola, all yellow in the field... love it!
The rest of the photos are images from Dinosaur Park. We hiked up through these hills on a trail that is marked for people to walk. There are several throughout the park and we chose a middle of the road difficulty one. I loved it; so beautiful!
I know this post is very "photo" heavy but I fell in love with this area! I haven't had a real holiday in years so it felt so good to get away and actually just do something for me. I can't leave it this long ever again.