Anyway, here's the cutie, himself...
Moose is an 11 week old Lab X of some sort. Sweet as the dickens and LIVES for people. He's been the easiest foster so far as he is basically crate trained already and almost makes it through the night- sometimes he has to go out once but he wakes you up, then is happy to go right back to sleep in the kennel. He's only had one accident in the house so far and it was totally my fault- that was Friday when he first arrived. He's playful and cute. Seriously, did I mention he LOVES people?!?
Yup, he has a tiny hint of puppy mischief in him, but nothing to serious, to be honest. He's chewy, that's really his worst flaw. But, how can you resist that little face anyway?
Moose is going to be a bigger boy, I suspect- maybe 70 pounds?!? It's so hard to know because we were told Lab/BC mix but really, we have no way of knowing. Lab for sure. In any case, he's waiting for the perfect home and in the meantime, I'm soaking up the puppy cuddles!! :)
He was sooo funny at the vet yesterday for his puppy checkup as nothing really bothers him! He didn't even notice the microchip needle going in as he had a dog biscuit to munch on, then he proceed to turn around and kiss the vet. And, he insisted on meeting EVERYONE in the parking lot on the way back to the car. So, yup, he's a doll. Someone is going to be very lucky with this pup!