Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Christmas Project Completed!

I made my first ever quilt last Christmas break and while I was TIRED by the end, I had fallen in love with quilting. So, when the opportunity came (and a great fabric sale!), I bought the fixin's to do my second which I started in February. I have not had the energy or focus to work on it because of work and school but it seemed a great chance to dig it out, and get it done! So, without further ado, I give you, my quiliting adventure, from start to finish!

Spike and Sophie help me lay it out! Thanks guys!!

All laid out and ready to go! I learned through the first experience it's WISE to take photos as you go, because both times, I referred back to early photos to make sure I was still on track.

Sophie approves of the brown and pink colour scheme.

Ahhh! Cozy for napping.

That's all I managed until this summer, when I did a few rows, but nothing really major. So, once Christmas began and I had the time and focus to work on it, I really got down to business. Here's how the rest progressed:

I sewed the quilt into rows of 12 to begin, then sewed the rows together into thirds. I find it easier to work with it this way. So, that's the first third.

This is the first half, all sewed together. It's 6 rows, by 12 rows.

Second half, before after sewing it together.

Somewhere towards the end of sewing rows into thirds, Murphy decided to cuddle up with the quilt in her way of helping.

The girls both curl up in the chair, next to me to "supervise" the progress. 

Yup, Sophie's keeping an eye on the hard work.

So is Murphy, all cuddled up in last Christmas' quilt project.

And, finally, here it is... my completed, 12X12 rag quilt. I still have to clip the edges and launder my quilt so it begins to fray, but all the sewing is DONE! 

Can't wait to start the next project... somehow, I've convinced my mom to give me her old quilting fabrics so I can try my hand at a "real" quilt; something other than a rag quilt. And, I have scraps from both quilt projects left over to make little quilts for the dogs for in their crates. Might as well use them for a project, right?? It should keep me going for the rest of the holiday, that's for sure.


Jean said...

I am in awe of anyone who chooses to sew as a hobby - sewing is probably my most hated activity!!! honest, Jen.....was this just another way to avoid doing those university papers, or are you all finished for this semester?? LOL

Dexter said...

Amazing! I went to quilting school and gave up after making just 2 1/2 squares! It requires so much patience. You did a wonderful job and of course Sophie looks beautiful on it.

Mango Momma