Monday, December 20, 2010

Play in the yard

I did it. I overcame my fear of "what if?!?" and let Spike and Ben meet. Last night, Spike was allowed a careful, very fast, sneaky sniff as Ben was distracted by something else. No problem. Today, I took everyone out in the yard for a play.  Ben spent the whole time running after everyone. Sophie spent her time avoiding Murphy. Spike spent the time running circles around Ben, barking at him. Yup. it's a good thing Ben just goes with the flow or that could have gotten very ugly.  For now, Ben and Spike will have supervised plays in the yard, and maybe, MAYBE little sessions, both loose in the house. But, that's it. I have no trust for what Spike could potentially do to Benny.

In other news, Ben is meeting a family tonight! If he passes the "I love everyone, including toddlers" he may well have a home already! Cross fingers and paws folks, this boy deserves the best home possible. Poor boy can't go until his ear infection is cleared up as he can't be neutered until it's under control but it'd be nice to know he's moving on to a great family after Christmas. It's my new record for an application on a foster; he was up on petfinder less than 6 hours when the application came in! Way to go Benny, you deserve the best home ever!


Dexter said...

Figuring out what the pack order is going to be can be complicated. I hope that they can figure each other out.


Sophie Brador said...

Good news for Ben!

Guess where my mom is! Saskatchewan.


Jen said...

Ohhhh, so exciting!! Where in Saskatchewan?? The black dog crew are still here too!!