Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Introducing Henry!

Things have been a whirlwind around my place lately!  As you all know, I picked up Ben just a couple weeks ago, he had an amazing application for adoption within hours of being on the website and he's gone, on trial already! He's been renamed Moose and they have the patience needed to help a big, goofy lab find his way in the world!  So, that left me free to take another dog on and Henry has now arrived!

Henry is a sweet little corgi cross of some sort. It's been an adventure so far, having him in the house because he is sooo scared of making a wrong move. It's like he was tossed out by someone, and now he's worried he's going to mess up and get dumped again. :( It's heartbreaking to watch a dog go through that, but let me tell you, they make the best pets ever! (Just look at my Spikey... he was JUST LIKE THIS TOO!).

Anyway, Henry is settling in well. He likes hanging out, quietly chewing on a bone, but he's always ready to go somewhere, if I want to go. He's getting along as well as can be expected with my dogs; Sophie is lots of dog for anyone to manage and she needs some "finishing school" to polish off the rough edges. So, for Henry to handle Sophie with a certain amount of grace and resignation, speaks volumes about this gentle little soul. And, Murphy is RELENTLESS in her quest to get him to play. He will play, but mainly he just wants to hang out, sleep and cuddle at the moment. Henry LOVES Spike, following him around, giving kisses and the like. Sooo sweet to watch!

Henry's learning the crate, but is clean in the house. He's loving having dog beds to curl up in, bones to chew on, a toy box to visit. He has a grateful nature that is very sweet. He'll make someone a gem of a dog!! He is such a quiet, sweet boy, I can see him being a super star, therapy dog someday. I am smitten with this little boy because he's such a gentle soul and he is sooo grateful for food, a quiet corner, whatever attention he gets. He'd make a great pet for a family or an older couple, that's for sure. 

Stay tuned for pictures.... Soph accidently broke my camera the other day and I am struggling along without the ability to get a decent photo. Take my word for it, Henry is CUTE!  I'm hoping to get a new camera by the end of the week so I can post photos of what a goodlooking boy Henry actually is!


Jean said...

LOL - ya gotta watch out for those corgi-crosses, Jen. They have a way of stealing one's heart....

Need pics.......someone loan the woman a camera!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I so often wonder what 'Whitney' endured before she became KHYRA...

Welcome Henry -

Please find a camera in the crate!

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Welcome, Henry! Mama worked with Great Dane rescue for years, so she knows what you mean about the baggage the fosters can bring and how they can struggle to fit in, or to just not be noticed at all. Of course, most of them explode with joy sooner or later. That was always magical. We wish Henry the best forever home a little corgi-mix could want.

Jed & Abby