Sunday, January 31, 2010

Six Words

I've taken up the blog challenge of describing my furry friends in 6 words. From what I can tell, this started from Patricia McConnel's blog (, in case you want to check it out- after she lost her old dog Lassie.  So, I have taken up the challenge (but I promise you cute puppy pics of Frankie the golden who spent three sleepless nights here, and more of Gemma SOON!)...

So here goes...
Sophie: Silly, energizer bunny, funny, monkey girl.  (really, that about sums her up!)
Spike:  Serious, cautious boy, best friend ever. (much harder to write one for Spike... I am still not that happy with it yet, but that's him. Yup, serious, cautious but loving and commited once he knows you. And yup, he's that special dog.)

1 comment:

Patience-please said...

Well done! I can feel your relationship with both dogs just from those six words.